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Palace of Tetitla at Teotihuacan

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[Teotihuacan] [Excavations] [Tempantitla] [Palaces and Temples]

[Tepotzlan] [Xochicalco]




Housing Complex of Tetitla

This area began with 3 small family complexes with narrow alley between them.  Eventually the walls were eliminated  and the living space became connected.  There are also plazas, some of which contain alters, and courts as well as drainage pools within the rooms.  The murals show stylistic changes from different phases.  See Tempantitla for more information on the housing complexes.


Mural Of Eagle

This mural belongs to the first stage of the Palace.  There is also a smaller bird mural across from this one in one of the passageways between rooms that was completed during an earlier stage.


Mural of Deity and Serpents

Located in a small housing complex, this mural depicts a deity wearing a jade mask and an elaborate headdress with the head of a falcon or hawk.  There are offerings or emblems flowing from the hands that are the color of jade.  This appears to be the back of the deity.  The snakes on the left are intertwined like DNA strands. 


Reproduction of Portico at Tetitla




Mural of Mother Creatrix Hands

This mural is closed to the public and we received special permission to view it.  We were given no explanation other than the name of the mural and there is no reference to it in the books that I bought at the Teotihuacan Museum.



Altar at Tetitla



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connie@rainbowartscenter.com  or chiartconnie@gmail.com 

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All graphics and web content are copyrighted by Connie Livingston-Dunn and Rainbow Arts Center, 2003-2014