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Practice What You Love Tag

PSP Tut was done in V8 but may be adapted for other versions.


 Copyright 2010 Connie Livingston-Dunn


Materials needed to complete the tutorial

Plugins, Xero and Simple

Xero, http://www.xero-graphics.co.uk/freeware.htm

Simple,  http://www.btinternet.com/~cateran/simple/

Download and place them in your Plugin Folder

Zip File with other supplies


Open the zip file and place the materials in your folder for "Practice What You Love".


Open the Background image contained in the zip file, duplicate and close the original image.

Duplicate the original layer of the Background.

Go to Effects>>>Plugins>>>Xero>>>Titanium with these settings and click ok.


Save your image as a psp file with whatever name you choose and remember to save it periodically as you work.

Go to warp brush 

with these settings, 

and apply similar to mine below.

Open Connie Sky jpg and slide the layer over to Practice, and place over top of warp layer.  

Set layer at Luminance—transparency at 30. 

Open Coventry font and minimize window.

Select two colors for your materials colors (I chose blues) and set top box in solid darkest color and bottom box as a gradient.

Click on your text tool, find Coventry font in your list and use these settings,

Create new raster layer and move to top of layer stack. Open text tool and click on top left of background.

Use settings shown below and type in Practice, capitalizing the first layer, that gives it that wonderful accent below the word. 

Move the text if necessary by grabbing the center white square and convert to raster layer.

Then go to Effects>>>3D Effects>>>Drop Shadow.  

You can apply a drop shadow of 2 Horizontal and 2 Vertical.  I liked mine without a drop shadow.

Select text tool, type in What, position, convert to raster layer, type in You, etc as before.  

When you type in Love, change the text size to 48 and stretch it out longer by pulling on the vector box to the right.   

Remember to convert each layer to a raster layer.  Then add your signature the same way.

Copy and paste Connie Moon and then the girl tube and position them as in the finished image above 

making sure they are above the sky layer.  

You may also select your favorite tube showing what you love to do!!

(I like to save this as a PSP file, and then copy merged and paste as new image).

When you have the girl and moon, and the text positioned to your liking, go to layers and merge all and then duplicate.

Go to Image>>>Add Borders with a setting of 20 pixels.  

It may tell you that you need to flatten the image, just click yes.  

Click on Magic Wand and select border.  

Flood fill with your blue gradient (or whatever colors you selected) from your lower materials swatch.

Add bevel as below and drop shadow of +4 for horizontal and vertical, apply, then changing it to -4 for each.  

Now go to your top materials palate, select patterns with the settings below and then click on your image without the frame, 

so that it is now your pattern swatch in the upper square.

Duplicate layer,  in your image with the frame, keeping selection active.  

Flood fill selection on this new layer with your pattern, go to Efects>>>Plugins>>>Simple>>>Center Tile and apply.  

Set duplicate layer to ColorL and deselect.  Merge all layers and save as a jpg.


That's all folks!!  I hope you enjoyed it.



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email Connie at: yogart41 at yahoo.com for speediest response 

connie@rainbowartscenter.com  or chiartconnie@gmail.com 

for information on purchasing original art, prints or mentoring program

All graphics and web content are copyrighted by Connie Livingston-Dunn and Rainbow Arts Center, 2003-2014