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Mandalas/Sacred Circles

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Mandalas are sacred spaces that develop our healing powers through focusing our minds.  In Native American Spirituality, they are called medicine wheels and are created on the earth using a circle of stones.  The circle is a path to wholeness, a journey to our inner self, where our intuition and creative energies are harmonized with our inner wisdom and our outer world.  Mandalas may be used as a focus of concentration, along with deep breathing to concentrate our mind and calm our "body mandalas".  I will be adding more on these "sacred circles".

Currently, some Mandala prints are not available, but I am working on getting them to print in a satisfactory manner to meet my artistic standards.  Stay tuned!!



Rainbow Mandala

Emerald Mandala


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email Connie at: yogart41 at yahoo.com for speediest response 

connie@rainbowartscenter.com  or chiartconnie@gmail.com 

for information on purchasing original art, prints or mentoring program

All graphics and web content are copyrighted by Connie Livingston-Dunn and Rainbow Arts Center, 2003-2014