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Yes, for those of you who have requested, I really will write a PSP tut for this soon!!

Just unfocus your eyes and watch different parts of the graphics

pop forwards and backwards

This is the most difficult stereogram I have ever made.  

It takes awhile for me to see three dark towers instead of two and I really have to cross my eyes.  


This was made in UltraFractal by Lillian Rosschaert and is copyrighted by her.

I added the stereogram effect to it, and there are 6 levels.










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email Connie at: yogart41 at yahoo.com for speediest response 

connie@rainbowartscenter.com  or chiartconnie@gmail.com 

for information on purchasing original art, prints or mentoring program

All graphics and web content are copyrighted by Connie Livingston-Dunn and Rainbow Arts Center, 2003-2014